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  New horizons
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New horizons for accountants

Also losing lots of time by inputing data ? Time you would rather invest in intellectual challenges with your clients, who offer you besides attractive salaries also gratitude and job satisfaction.

Nothing is more rewarding than creating added value for your clients, enabling them an immediate consulting of your expertise. Axes e-SERVE offers you the possibility to realise all this. Within our own office we experience that our staff is much more motivated now they got rid of these intensively manual activities.
With the decrease of their workload, the number of working hours also decreases, which offers to everyone a higher standard of quality of life.
No more surplus hours or work during weekends.

India offers you a wide range of unique advantages :
  • English is the common business language, teached at school.
  • The accounting standards are comparable to the Belgian system.
What’s more, AXIS e-SERVE works with leading local accountants and revisors who know the ropes. Once again, an added value to your business.

The interface we developed for this purpose, permits you to freely follow-up the outsourced activites within the deadlines defined by yourself.

The system is installed in such way that you can follow at any time both the amount Axis e-SERVE charges to you , as well as the amount you can invoice to your clients. In other words, gaining money without efforts.

Furthermore, if all this can be done at financial conditions you can never obtain in Belgium, why shouldn’t you go for it ?
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